The Review of Grid Computing Vs Cloud Computing

The grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is the Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network.

It works with a large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing. This system tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like a dedicated connection, but a common grid performs multiple tasks.

The size of the grid is large. So the grid system is like supercomputing. It consists of many networks, computers, and middleware. It’s dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task is divided into the various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds need to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.

Types of Grid Computing

Computational Grid

A computational grid develops to process a huge volume of data. Basically, research organizations, government organizations, non-government organizations use the computational grid. This is a single entity distributed system. But possesses the power of large computational power. The computational grid has some advantages like:

  • Technology improvement and reduce the economic cost
  • Utilization of the idle capacity system
  • Now problem-solving techniques using other than a supercomputer

Data Grid

Data grid share, store and maintain resources during data processing. All the processes are performed on a different computer, so the process takes less time and offers the advantage of a supercomputer. The internal P2P network is an example of data computing.

Collaboration Grid

The collaboration of this system promotes operation ability among various departments and coordinates together to works simultaneously. Data sharing is highly controlled to reduce the violation of access in each domain. The main function of this system that this collaboration grid can process more than one process simultaneously.

Utility Grid

This computing works as a service as per requirement. This grid has the power of all the three grids discussed above.

Enterprise grid

Enterprise grid is a big enterprise develops to coordinate its subsidiaries. This enterprise grid was developed by its own venture. It may have one or more data centers among the systems. Basically, the network is for better security and privacy.

Grid Computing Architecture Diagram with Explanation

What's Grid Computing and It's Relation with Cloud Computer and Supercomputer

Grid computing architecture diagram with explanation

Example of Grid Computing

This system challenges financial modeling, earthquake simulation, protein folding, and climate/weather modeling. Some examples are:

  • Applied by National Science Foundation’s National Technology Grid
  • NASA’s Information Power Grid
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
  • American Express
  • Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)
  • BEinGRID (Business Experiments in Grid) of the European Commission
  • Enabling Grids for E-sciencE
  • NASA Advanced Supercomputing facility (NAS) project
  • United devises Cancer Research Project based on its Grid MP product

Grid Computing Software

There is a lot of software for grid computing. Some of them are:

Grid Computing Info Centre (GRID Infoware) is the authorized website for different grid computing software. You can have a review regarding its software.

Why Brother of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a myth of computing. The main target of cloud computing is to provide the support of infrastructure as a service. Grid computing has the same function. Cloud computing is the elder brother. So cloud computing has two more options. Cloud computing also offers a platform as a service and software as a service.

The grid system performs the task by allocating the memory of a different computer of the grid. Cloud computing performs the same task by its redundant storage and application on the cloud. In this process, both have some limitations. In cloud computing internet is a must. Sometimes it needs high-speed internet. On the other hand, grid computing uses a local area network. So data cannot access from anywhere.

How Sister of Supercomputer?

It is also a funny dialogue. Actually, the function of supercomputer and grid computing is the same. A supercomputer intends to perform fast. On the other hand, grid computing has the same purpose after getting any task grid computing to divide the task and allocate different LAN computers. A single PC works a single task. So it takes less time to process big data. As a result, the user gets the flavor of a supercomputer.

Cloud Computing vs. Grid Computing

Basic Difference

Cloud computing is supported by the remote server. It is hosted over the internet to manage data. Cloud helps the user to provide on-demand service. It has an integrated hardware and software network. On the other hand, grid computing is a distributed system. It connects all LAN, MAN, and CAN network. The grid does not require internet.

Difference type

Cloud computing has been segregated into the private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud. It has three models like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. On the other hand, grid computer has Distributed Computing systems, Distributed Pervasive Systems and Distributed Information systems.


The main goal of cloud computing is to reduce costs. The secondary goal of the cloud is to make data available everywhere. On the other hand, the Grid system focuses on accuracy and speed. It divides its task to the connected computer.


People use cloud computing as a low-cost strategy. Cloud computing service providers offer various services. The costing procedure is paid as you go. Both hardware and software are available in cloud computing. On the other hand, in the grid system, it takes numerous computers. Both hardware and software are costly for the grid system.

Management System

Cloud computing is centrally managed by a third party. On the other hand grid systems is a distributed decentralized system. So management systems of the grid system are a little bit difficult.

Final Thought

Cloud computing and the grid seem the same, but there is a lot of difference. The first one is internet-based, but the second one is LAN-based. However, both have a different flavor of computing. So the organization focus on both cloud computing and grid computing.