Mail Recall Tips: How To Recall Gmail Or Recall Outlook?

Suppose you are very busy or under pressure. The deadline for sending your task/assignment to your boss or professors is pinching your brain. Suddenly you send an email that is not the actual one. On the other hand, this mail may lose your impressions. To solve this problem, we can use an option for mail recall. Mail recall is undoing the send email within a specific time and deleting if the receiver does not read. You can do both like mails recall Gmail and mail recall Outlook. So with a jolly mode, let’s start.

How to Mail Recall on Gmail

Gmail is one of the best mail communication systems in the digital world. It is not only secured but also the fastest means of communication. But, to err is human. So unconsciously, you may send Gmail to your boss that you didn’t mean. Then the question of your sincerity arises.

Google does not have traditional mail recall options like Microsoft outlook. But you may configure your Gmail according to your wish inspire of having some limitations. The built-in features of Gmail will allow you to undo the send Gmail.

To recall Gmail, you have to open Gmail first. At the top right side, you will see the setting option. After selecting settings, you have to go to the “General Tab.” You will find several options like Language, phone number, Maximum page shows and undo send, etc.

Gmail RecallAt the “Undo Send” row, you will find ” Send cancellation period” then a drop-down menu of time. Now you can select 5, 10, 20, and 30 seconds. Finally, at the bottom of the page, you will find “Save Changes.” Now save and quit.

Unsend Gmail

How Can I Unsend Email on Gmail

In the compose tab, you write your mail at first. After giving the receiver’s address, when the mail is ok then send the mail. Now you can see at the bottom ” Massage Send | Undo | View” for a maximum of 30 seconds if you set it earlier.

Undo Gmail SendWithin that 30 Seconds, if you think the mail is not the actual one, you can Unsend the Gmail. Now whatever you send, you will receive the pop-up menu of cancellation of Gmail or recall Gmail for 30 seconds.

How to Recall Gmail on Phone

Before any configuration, we do strongly recommend backup your mail with Gmail Backup tools. The process of mail recall on desktop and phone is the same. On your smartphone, you will see a notification after sending the Gmail for cancellation. But you also have to configure before using Gmail recall or Gmail Unsend features.

How to Recall Outlook

Recall email outlook is a little bit different from Gmail. Instead of delaying for 30 seconds, you can directly recall Outlook. But there is no guarantee the mail has been opened. Sometimes it works only within the organization, depending on your configuration. However, follow the instructions to unsend Outlook.

Recall Outlook mail

At first, open the sent folder of Outlook then

Select the message by double-clicking which you want to recall. From the menu bar > Action > Recall This Message. Now you will get a pop-up menu with two options which are as follows:

  1. Delete unread copies of Massage
  2. Delete unread copies and replace them with a new message.

That’s all from today’s learning. Now, these Outlook email recall options can save you from unexpected embracement.

Criteria to Mail Recall in Outlook

Be informed that there are some criteria to get the advantages of recall facilities of Microsoft outlook. Don’t be disheartened after seeing the requirements. We will discuss five principles as follows:

  • Within the same organization, you send the email.
  • As your email server, your organization is using Microsoft exchange.
  • The recipient is using Microsoft Exchange Server, and he is logged in.
  • The recipient did not read the massage.
  • The massage is still in Inbox.

What Happened if the Recall Criteria Do Not Meet

If anyone of the criteria mentioned above does not satisfy, you can’t recall the message. On the other hand, the recipient will receive another email you recall the email earlier.

Final Thought

Gmail recall or Outlook recall is just a function, and it’s not magic at all. It depends on your luck whether the receiver read the mail or not. If he already read the mail, then mail recall is of no use. So it is highly recommended to press the send button carefully and at an awake position. On the other hand, the recall option of Gmail makes you slow for thirty seconds. Whatsoever, playing with technology like Gmail and Outlook is fun. I hope you will like those tips.

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