Home Authors Posts by Hawlader


Hawlader's passion for technology has driven him to be an avid writer for over 16 years. His vast knowledge of the Windows and Android operating systems is a testament to his proficiency in the field. In addition to his expertise in open source software, he also possesses an extensive understanding of the open-source platform, making him a valuable resource for technology enthusiasts. His contributions to FossGuru writers with research-based articles have helped readers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the tech industry. Furthermore, Hawlader's curiosity for scientific breakthroughs has led him to be a keen reader of science blogs, keeping him informed about the latest developments in the field.

Things To Know Before Doing Big Data Migration in Cloud Computing

The concept of big data is a recent one. Big data works with cloud computing. Big data migration is converting data from the traditional database to the cloud database. An existing business has emerging...
Things To Consider Before Using SaaS Business Model For Your Business

Things To Consider Before Using SaaS Business Model For Your Business

SaaS Business Model or Software as a service is one kind of business model. Software as a service is a popular terminology in the era of cloud technology. The main benefit of the SaaS...
IaaS Cloud Computing for Small Business

IaaS Cloud Computing for Managing Small Business

IaaS or Infrastructure as a service is the architecture of cloud computing. The small business uses the infrastructure as a service or IaaS to reduce costs. The IaaS cloud provider hosts the setup mechanisms. Usually...
Mobile Cloud Computing

Mobile Cloud Computing is the Next Step of Enterprise Cloud

Mobile Cloud Computing is the Next Step of Enterprise Cloud computing. People using Mobile Cloud Computing as an alternative to traditional cloud computing. Cloud computing on mobile gives extra flexibility.  It is a means...
Internet Cloud Security in Cloud Based Applications

Internet Cloud Security in Cloud Based Applications

Internet Cloud Security is a challenge in Cloud-Based Applications. All its managers are focusing on both Cloud-Based Applications and Internet Cloud Security. Cloud hosting is the system of keeping data to another remote location...

How Cloud Security Algorithm is Used in Cloud Computing?

The cloud security algorithm is a set of rules and procedures that follow to transmit data. Similarly, the process cloud computing data server follows is Security Algorithm.  The cloud security algorithm denotes a wide...
Database Security

Is Database Security Can Be Ensured By Cloud Computing?

Database security is a big term in the digital world. People are so much concerned about Database security. On the other hand, cloud computing is the demand of the present business world. The question...
Cloud Computing Security

Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Computing Security

Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges are now very common in the cloud world. Large organizing is facing Cloud Computing Security Issues and Challenges so much. They expend too much on cloud computing security. ...
Best Cloud Antivirus Reviewed and Compared for You

Top 10 Best Cloud Antivirus Reviewed and Compared for You

Cloud internet security/antivirus is antimalware technology. It is lightweight agent software on the protected endpoint. There is a difference between cloud antivirus and traditional antivirus. In cloud anti-malware, small agent software works on the desktop...
Cloud Internet Security

Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Internet Security

Cloud Internet Security is the trend of the present discussion. Many big and small organizations are spending huge money on Security. Data is the most valuable and vital asset of any business. That's why...