The Best 20 Weight Loss Calculator for All People

The force on an object by gravity is known as the “weight of the object” in science and engineering. The gravitational force acting on the object is referred to as “weight” in some standard textbooks. Some refer to weight as a scalar quantity that measures the strength of the gravitational force. But, the human body is very much worried about our weight, calorie burning, and slim figure. So, it would be best if you always used the Weight Loss Calculator.

A person’s mass or weight is their human body weight. Body weight is the measurement of the weight without any items that are attached to the person. A person’s excess or decreased body weight indicates their Health. 

Body volume measurement adds another dimension by calculating how that body weight is distributed. With men typically weighing more than women, the average adult human weight varies by continent, ranging from about 60 kg (130 lb.) in Asia and Africa to about 80 kg (180 lb.) in North America.

Why do you need weight loss calculators?

Even if you exercise regularly and eat healthfully, you may still have a few extra pounds you can’t seem to lose. You may have trouble losing weight because you’re consuming too many calories and not burning them off quickly enough. 

A weight loss or a calorie calculator can assist you in determining the issue more clearly. Every time we eat, we consume calorie-based energy units. They provide us with the energy to get through the day. Generally speaking, you must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. Numerous factors need to be taken into account.

 Although many options exist, weight loss counters are a great way to keep yourself on track with your objectives. They can occasionally be inaccurate because they don’t consider all the factors necessary to determine how many calories you should consume to lose weight.

The Science of Weight Loss Calculators

The Mifflin St. Jeor equation, a mathematical formula determining how many calories your body needs to function, is the foundation of most weight loss calculators. The basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is what this is. Most calculators use weight, height, gender, age, and other demographic data before adding lifestyle factors and exercise levels. 

Because the numbers vary, some weight loss calculators perform better than others. Depending on their activity, two men of the same height, weight, and age may have very different calorie requirements to shed pounds. While the other man addresses a group of students, the first man may spend the entire day in front of a computer playing role-playing games. A precise calculator will compute both your daily energy expenditure and the BMR. 

Your general activity level and whether you are a workout monster or merely dabble will be included. However, it’s essential to avoid becoming preoccupied with calorie counting. When you start your weight loss journey, many other factors must be considered. Numerous studies have shown that worrying about your diet can cause your body to gain a few pounds.

Weight Loss Calculator Users Around the World

Country Percentage
China 23
India 21
Indonesia 15
USA 12
UK 11
Spain 8
Germany 6
Japan 4

From the above chart, we can analyze that China is the country where people are the most Health conscious, and the users in China are 23%. This chart means China is the largest country to use Health apps, and Japan is the least.

The Best 20 Weight Loss Calculators for All People

This article section has handpicked the most common and popular weight loss calculator. There are free and paid both types of apps and websites included.

1. The NIH Body Weight Planner

NIH scientist Kevin Hall developed this fantastic weight loss calculator, which is considered a person’s slowing metabolism. This planner is among the best available. Numerous studies have used its algorithms and found them to be incredibly accurate. Like any other calculator, it begins by calculating your BMR before assigning a value to the amount of activity you engage in at work, school, and in your free time.

Important Features

  • Anyone can choose their ideal weight and how quickly they want to get there. 
  • You can decide what you’re prepared to do to achieve your objective.
  • You will learn how many calories you require to maintain your weight, how many you need to reach your goal, and how many you require to maintain your weight once you have achieved it.

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2. TDEE Calculator

Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), or daily energy expenditure, is an accurate way to calculate how many calories you should consume to maintain, gain, or lose weight. This simple calculator calculates it for you. TDEE Calculator

Important Features

  • It considers how active you are throughout your day, with five levels to choose from. 
  • Any One of the five will work for you.  
  • It also takes into account how hard you work out.
  • This calculator goes a step further by including a macro calculator to help determine how to modify your diet. 
  • It also shows you how many calories you can consume and what proportions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates you should consume.

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3. Health Status Calories Burned Calculator

Some people have very high standards. They are curious about how many calories they will burn if they play table tennis for 15 minutes, indulge-watch two hours of Netflix, and then relax. This calculator is for you if you like precision. It calculates everything, including moving a baby around the house.

Important Features

  • There are more than 200 activities available.
  • In contrast to other calorie-burning calculators, you can combine them all. 
  • Everything you do throughout your day can be converted into several calories burned.

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4. LifeSpan Weight Loss Counter

When dieting for the first time, simple is sometimes preferable. This weight loss calculator from LifeSpan can be beneficial. You don’t have to type anything in because it is so simple. In addition to asking a few questions about how you plan to get there, it has slides for entering your weight, height, age, lifestyle, and goal weight. When dieting for the first time, simple is sometimes preferable. This weight loss calculator from LifeSpan can be beneficial.

Important Features

  • You can create a thorough weight loss plan in just three simple steps.
  • You will get advice on a few doable ways to reach your objectives. 
  • One can also work out hard for 30 minutes and achieve the same outcomes.
  • This weight loss counter can demonstrate how simple it is to lose weight.

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5. The Legion Weight Loss Calculator

Only the Legion Weight Loss Calculator can advise you on what to eat and how much to consume to achieve your goal while also assisting you in planning how long you should cut to maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. The calculator will provide detailed instructions on how much food you should consume daily to reach your desired weight and set your “macros” to lose weight without losing muscle.

Important Features

  • This website shows you your body fat percentage too.
  • You can know about your calories and macros.
  • There is an 85% positive rating for this website.
  • There are a lot of activities that will keep you fit.

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6. PlateJoy

Dietitians created the meal-planning app PlateJoy. One of the most flexible meal planning apps, it lets you select from various dietary patterns, including Keto, dairy-free, paleo, and more. Additionally, it offers the option to set different portion sizes for each household member and filter out ingredients you prefer to avoid. The app generates a unique meal plan for you each week, complete with a carefully curated grocery list based on your answers to a short questionnaire. PlateJoy weight loss predictor

Important Features

  • To keep everything in one place, you can swap out the recipes on the meal plan with others and even add your own to the app.
  • Suitable for many different dietary requirements. 
  • This app emphasizes meal preparation and healthy eating.
  • Family-friendly portion sizes that can be customized.

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7. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is now one of the most popular calorie counters. It monitors your weight and calculates your recommended daily calorie intake. Moreover, there is also a well-designed food journal and an exercise journal. Your daily calorie intake is displayed in minute detail on the home page. Additionally, it can display the number of calories you’ve burned through exercise and your remaining recommended intake. If you use one, MyFitnessPal can sync with your fitness tracking device to include its data in the exercise log. MyFitnessPal fat loss calculator

Important Features

  • Your daily breakdown of carbs, protein, and fat is displayed as a pie chart. 
  • You could also keep a daily journal describing how each day went and how you felt.
  • You can download recipes online and calculate the calorie content of each serving.

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8. Lose It!

Another health tracker, Lose It, has a simple food diary and an exercise log. A pedometer, for example, can be linked as an additional fitness device. Lose It! recommends a customized calorie intake based on weight, height, age, and goals. Your calorie intake is then displayed on the home page. It has a thorough food database and an icon for each food entry. The food diary is easy to use and straightforward. Moreover, finding new foods is not difficult in this app. Lose It! is the intermittent fasting weight loss calculator

Important Features

  • It tracks daily and weekly totals.
  • It offers access to a vibrant chat community and displays weight change on a graph. 
  • You can participate in existing dietary challenges or create your own using this website’s “challenges” tab. 
  • Popular foods from fast food joints, supermarkets, and well-known brands are all included in the food database, verified by the app’s industry professionals. 
  • You can set reminders to record your meals and snacks.

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9. Lifesum

Because of its adaptability, simplicity, integrated platforms, and motivational elements, Lifesum is also among the best diet apps. You can count calories quickly and easily with Lifesum and use it to learn how to eat better, plan meals, assess the nutritional value of various foods, and more. Lifesum calorie counter to lose weight

Lifesum’s calorie counter feature for simple logging includes a barcode scanner and an impressive food database. If you need to track your macronutrient and net carb intake while following a ketogenic diet, Lifesum can help.

Important Features

  • It combines eating healthily with calorie counting. 
  • It Includes image recognition and a barcode scanner.
  • Keep calorie, macro, water, and exercise logs. 
  • Goals for daily dietary intake.

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10. MyNetDiary

With MyNetDiary, you can track your particular nutrients in any diet if you want to do more than count calories. In addition to being an essential calorie counter tool, MyNetDiary allows you to set a focus, such as macros, paleo, or Keto. MyNetDiary body weight loss calculator

By responding to a few questions, MyNetDiary will use them to generate your daily calorie budget while you first set your goals and plan. You can also select your preferred macronutrient intake, desired weekly weight loss rate, and target for weight loss completion date. MyNetDiary has excellent calorie-counting features and connectivity, allowing you to link the app with Fitbit, Apple Watch, Withings, Garmin, Google Fit, and Samsung devices.

Important Features

  • Simple Calorie, meal, exercise, and nutrient tracking.
  • A barcode scanner is present. 
  • You can pick a nutrition emphasis, such as Keto, veganism, or macros. 
  • Weekly goal tracking.

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11. FatSecret

With FatSecret, calorie counting is entirely free. It includes a journal, weight chart, exercise log, nutrition data system, and healthy recipes. You can use a barcode scanner to track packaged foods. 

The home page of FatSecret displays the daily carbohydrate, protein, and fat breakdown, each meal, and the total calorie intake. The monthly summary view offered by FatSecret shows the average daily caloric intake and monthly totals. You might find this feature helpful in keeping track of your overall development. It’s easy to use this calorie counter. Additionally, the app has a chat forum where users can share success stories and get advice, recipes, and other things. Users can also create or participate in dietary challenges with a small group of people using the “challenges” feature FatSecret provides. 

Important Features

  • The website is jam-packed with knowledge, advice, and articles on various subjects.
  • A comprehensive food database with a large selection of foods from stores and restaurants.
  • Foods those other users have submitted are highlighted so that users can check to see if the information is correct.
  • It can display net carbs, which low-carb dieters may find helpful.

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12. Cronometer

Cronometer lets you quickly track your diet, exercise, and body weight. It offers precise serving sizes as well as a helpful exercise database. Moreover, you can select a different profile with higher calorie needs. You can also tell Cronometer if you follow a specific eating plan, such as the paleolithic or low-fat vegetarian diet. As a result, the recommended macronutrients change. Cronometer calorie deficit to lose

The food diary is straightforward and convenient. It is followed by a bar chart showing the daily breakdown of carbs, fat, and protein and the total calorie intake. Cronometer makes it especially simple to monitor micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The app provides a gold upgrade.

Important Features

  • The Cronometer is very simple to use and lets you import weight, body fat percentage, sleep information, and activity data by syncing data from health devices to the app. 
  • With the premium upgrade and macro and water tracking, a barcode scanner and access to a premium food database are all available. 
  • It is connected to the entire USDA food database.
  • It monitors micronutrients, including trace elements, minerals, and vitamins.
  • This site provides voiceover support to make the app usable for those who are blind.

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13. Carb Manager

With three different calculators, Carb Manager makes it simple to stay in ketosis and maintain or reduce weight. You can track carbs and net carbs using a keto calculator. You can track protein, fats, and other nutrients using a nutrient calculator and your daily caloric intake using a calorie counter. When you’re out of ideas, Carb Manager also has a ton of keto-friendly recipes, meal plans, and shopping lists to simplify your life. Carb Manager calorie deficit calculator

Important Features

  • Carb Manager has a convenient macro calculator.
  • There are also meal plans and low-carb recipes.
  • Keep track of indicators like weight and body measurements.

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14. Calory

Calory might be the ideal calorie tracker app if you’re looking for the most simple one. You can log calories or foods with calories, but it only keeps track of your calorie intake. On its home page, a bar chart shows the percentage of calories consumed and the number of calories left in the day. These numbers are automatically calculated by the app when you set your goals. Food logging is comparatively simple, but using the database might be challenging. The app also saves your most recent food logs to simplify future entries and offers a list of common foods. Calory bmr calculator to lose weight

Important Features

  • A breakdown of the foods and calories eaten at each meal is displayed in the history tab.
  • The USDA food database, a trusted source, is connected to Calory’s food database.
  • A barcode scanner and access to a premium food database are all made available with the premium upgrade.

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15. ControlMyWeight

For anyone who only wants to count his calories, ControlMyWeight is the app to use. ControlMyWeight is an excellent example of how simple can be beautiful. You’ll see a user interface that is pleasing to the eye and simple to use. ControlMyWeight has fewer features than most of the other calorie counter apps on this list, but that’s precisely the point.

ControlMyWeight still has your back if you need assistance; you can configure the app to send you push notifications all day to help you remember how many carbs, fats, and sugars you’ve consumed.

Important Features

  • The app also includes fundamental weight charts.
  • The charts can help you visualize your progress.
  • Food data on this app has been verified.
  • ControlMyWeight focuses on calories in particular.
  • It is free with ads.

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16. Noom

The well-known weight-loss app, Noom, encourages users to adopt healthy lifestyle changes to shed pounds. The app assigns your daily calorie budget based on responses to questions about lifestyle and Health. Your current weight, sex, and weight loss objectives are also considered. Although the initial calorie recommendation is frequently too low, you can change it to a more realistic and accurate figure.

Users of the Noom app can monitor their dietary intake using a database of more than 3.5 million foods. Additionally, users can track their weight, exercise, and other significant health indicators, like blood sugar levels.

Important Features

  • The virtual health coaching offered by Noom is one of its key features. 
  • Coaches help clients set reasonable weekly goals and hold them accountable to help them stay on track.
  • Coaches may take one or two days to respond to you because the coaching feature operates more like an e-mail than a live chat.

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17. WW app

Weight Watchers, formerly known as WW, is a well-known weight-loss program that has been proven successful. Based on our nutrient content and calorie density, foods and beverages are given point values under the WW points system. Most importantly, there are no forbidden foods. Customers receive a daily Personal Points allotment and a personalized list of zero-point foods based on the results of an online quiz. There are three plans offered by WW, each of which grants access to the WW app. WW app weight loss calorie calculator

Important Features

  • Using the app, customers can easily track their points, track weight trends, and log their workouts.
  • Additionally, a barcode scanner is available to make entering foods simple.
  • Weekly workshops, social networking, a rewards program, and live coaching are all available on the WW app.

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18. Fitbit app

Wearable activity trackers provide a practical way to monitor your exercise routine and maintain your motivation to move more. Fitbit is a maker of wearable technology that offers a range of fitness trackers and smartwatches to accommodate different lifestyles, fashion tastes, and health objectives. All Fitbit products are made to be used with the Fitbit app, though some have higher-tech features than others. Fitbit app

Important Features

  • Users of the Fitbit app can view their daily health and fitness data, including their step count, miles traveled, heart rate, and other information.
  • Additionally, the app lets you manually track your weight, your level of stress right now, and your food and water intake.
  • One of its strong points is the app’s community features, which let you connect with friends and family and participate in group challenges.

19. Fooducate

You are reading nutrition labels and ingredient lists while grocery shopping can be overwhelming. You might be able to better navigate all the different items at the grocery store by using an app like Fooducate. With Fooducate, a nutrition scanner, you can scan a food’s barcode for comprehensive information, including its ingredients and nutrient makeup. More than 250,000 product barcodes can be browsed using it. It can be overwhelming to read nutrition labels and ingredient lists while grocery shopping.

Important Features

  • The nutrition scanner from Fooducate has the unique feature of alerting you to less healthy ingredients frequently concealed in foods.
  • Fooducate lists healthier options to buy and highlights specific food characteristics.
  • Downloading the app is cost-free.

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20. Strides

Strides is a flexible habit tracker that lets you keep tabs on any particular behavior you choose, like drinking water or going to bed earlier. You can set up an ideal daily schedule and tag specific routines or tasks to keep yourself organized and moving toward your goals. Strides give you access to weekly, monthly, and annual reports to monitor your progress. Strides is a flexible habit tracker that lets you keep tabs on any particular behavior you choose, like drinking water or going to bed earlier.

Important Features

  • If you prefer to concentrate on lifestyle habits rather than calorie counting, it’s a good fit. 
  • The free version lets you track three patterns.
  • Instead of calorie counting, it emphasizes habit tracking. Progress reports are provided weekly, monthly, and annually. Adaptable objectives and routines
  • Users can use it to keep track of other life objectives, like monetary or professional targets.

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How to Reduce Calories

Eat More Protein

Because protein has fewer calories per gram than fat, increasing your protein intake is a simple way to reduce your calorie intake. With fat, you take in more calories than with protein. Protein can aid in the fight against cravings. According to research, eating high-protein snacks can help you feel more satisfied and less hungry. Additional studies support the advantages of protein for gaining muscle mass. You can increase your protein level by eating more eggs, meat, poultry, tofu, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Drink More Water

You will likely consume fewer calories if you drink more water. However, consuming more water may be more challenging than you think. Drinking enough water is linked to better weight management, improved brain health, and a lower risk of kidney stones. You may eat fewer calories due to the immediate hunger reduction from drinking water. 

Avoid sugary drinks

Cutting back on sugar is another simple way to reduce your calorie intake. Juice, soda, and alcoholic beverages are a few examples of numerous drinks with high sugar content. Liquid calories are not as quickly recognized by your brain as solid calories from food are. As a result, these calories impact your hunger and fullness levels less. Additionally, studies have linked consuming sugary beverages with obesity. 


Your metabolism may slow, and your appetite may increase if you restrict calories too much. Additionally, it can cause muscle loss and harm rather than improve your Health. Weightlifting and other resistance training exercises have been shown to slow down muscle loss, keeping your basal metabolic rate high and increasing the quality and speed of your weight loss. If you can not go to the gym, consider performing bodyweight exercises like pushups, situps, and squats. 

Final Thought

Although most apps have tools for logging and tracking, some are better at doing so simply and effectively. All the apps we evaluated have a free version, but you must purchase a subscription to access the premium features. However, most people find the free versions sufficient enough. These apps will be best for you if you want to improve your eating habits while counting calories. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments.

Remember, Health is the ultimate wealth.

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